People I loved because of their techniques and processes to make quirky products and niffty things.
Caitlin Beaver- Screen and digitally printed fabrics inspired by birds.Lynette Miller- Dyed fabric and yarns using dye produced from indigenous plants that grow and her home and insects that inhabit them.Sue turnton- Laser etched wood.Flora Hope- Creates fashion, textiles and accessories using traditional techniques alongside the concept of upcycling.Natalie Cole- Surface design including book binding and hand-cut techniques.Laura Higgins- Creates hand-cut/textured wallpaper. I love the ideas and textural techniques she uses.Sarah Matthews- Creates a selection of waterproof and tear-proof paper jewellery inspired by flight. The collection includes printed, pleated and folded neck pieces.
New designers
People I loved because of their beautiful drawing or interesting imagery
Kayleigh Sarah Moore- Animal print and illustration with additional embellishment.
Josey McWilliam- Interesting designs comprising of insect prints and quirky birds alongside other animals.
Rachel Corcoran- A graphic designer and illustrator.